Domestic Violence
Defending you.
Domestic violence charges are treated very seriously in Maine. The Prosecution will proceed with a domestic violence case even if the party who was allegedly assaulted wants to drop the charges. If you’ve been accused of any form of domestic violence, including Assault, Criminal Threatening or Terrorizing, it is critical that you choose a Maine criminal defense attorney who has a proven track record of successfully representing clients against these types of crimes.
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If you are convicted of a crime of domestic violence there are severe and often life changing penalties. These include jail time, probation, mandatory participation in costly intervention programs and orders to stay away from your spouse or family. There are collateral consequences for a Domestic Violence conviction as well, including the risk of deportation if the person accused is not a U.S. Citizen and the inability to own or possess any firearm pursuant to Federal law for the rest of your life!
Arrested for Domestic Violence in Maine? What should you do?
The Maine domestic violence lawyers at Sherman & Worden stand ready to use their skills and experience to aggressively defend you against domestic violence charges. As an Assistant District Attorney, Nicholas Worden prosecuted domestic violence cases for the State of Maine for over a decade. He now puts his skill and knowledge of the Court system to work for people charged with Assault and other domestic violence crimes. Contact us today for your free, confidential consultation and you will sleep better tonight knowing that you have able and qualified counsel on your side. While this might be your first experience with the criminal justice system in Maine, Mr. Worden and the lawyers at Sherman & Worden have been down this road countless times and can help you formulate the best defense for your individual case.
Penalties for Domestic Violence in Maine
The penalties for domestic violence in Maine can be staggering. For the first offense typical sentences can involve, jail, probation and conditions that you have no contact with family and loved ones for up to two years! A second offense will be charged as a felony. This can carry a prison sentence of up to 5 years. The attorneys at Sherman & Worden are seasoned trial litigators. Do not settle for an attorney who will take your money and plead you out to whatever charges the prosecutor files. With an effective trial strategy, these cases can often be resolved for far less than the “typical” domestic violence sentence.
Send a Message that You are serious about your charges.
Prosecutors know that if you don't have effective legal counsel, they will likely get you to plead guilty to their charges. They also know that without a strong defense, the Court will sentence you to jail, probation and anything else they request.
Restore the balance of power by hiring the lawyers at Sherman & Worden. The respected and veteran attorneys at Sherman & Worden will make a strong case to convince the prosecutor and the judge that a dismissal, or reduced charges, are appropriate in your case. While your case is pending we will often ask the Court to change your bail conditions, so that you are able to have contact with family members and loved ones. And if they don’t listen to reason, prosecutors know we will take your case to trial. Our lawyers have tried domestic violence cases to juries for over a decade with excellent results.
Types of Domestic Violence
Any of the following acts are considered domestic violence:
Assault, Terrorizing or Threatening
Sexual Assault
Violation of a Protection Order
Compelling the victim through force or threat to perform, or not perform, an action
Protect yourself from prosecution by contacting a proven domestic violence attorney at Sherman & Worden today for a free, confidential consultation.
Hundreds won or resolved without domestic violence conviction
Winning with over 30 Years Collective Experience