Operating Under the Influence
Operating Under the Influence
You have been charged with an OUI. You were probably arrested and taken to the police station or the jail to perform a breath alcohol test. You wish that this OUI charge never occurred. You have questions about what happens to your driver’s license. You want this problem solved as soon as possible.
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OUI charges are treated seriously in Maine. Because of this, it is important to immediately combat any charges that you face with the help of a Maine OUI lawyer.
Police are focusing more attention on distracted drivers. Many OUI charges arise out of distracted driving stops. We can use to your advantage any traffic infractions that you receive during the same traffic stop because those traffic tickets require police officers to testify in court at a hearing separate from the OUI case.
Drivers can be convicted of operating under the influence in Maine even if their ability to drive is not impaired. The key issue is breath alcohol concentration or Br.A.C. Refusal to take a test to determine Br.A.C. has serious consequences with the Bureau of Motor Vehicles and at court.
To fight an OUI case, it is important to employ an experienced Maine OUI lawyer as soon as possible. If you wait until your first court date to think about hiring an OUI lawyer, you may miss important opportunities to save your driver’s license and to lay the groundwork for defending your case in court.
There are many lawyers who practice criminal defense in the State of Maine. Many of them provide very good service to their clients. Not all of these good criminal defense attorneys focus on OUI defense. If you are serious about fighting your OUI case, you should hire an experienced OUI specialist.
Attorney Sherman is a certified Intoxilyzer 8000 operator. He has obtained recent not guilty verdicts in .20 Br.A.C, .14 Br.A.C., and refusal OUI cases. Just because a driver obtained a high “result” on an Intoxilyzer “test,” does not mean that a conviction for OUI is a certainty. Sometimes a case that involves a higher Br.A.C. result is an easier case to win at trial.
Not every case goes to trial, of course. The majority of OUI cases are resolved by way of plea agreements. We have a good track record of obtaining favorable plea agreements for our clients. Many times these agreements do not result in OUI convictions.
Please call today: (207)344-9362 to schedule a free office or telephone consultation. We will answer your questions. We will give you honest advice. And we promise, at the very least, you will come away from our discussion feeling stronger, more confident, and, very likely, with some peace-of-mind.
Hundreds won or resolved without OUI conviction
Winning with over 30 Years Collective Experience